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    C22000 Brass Strip

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    brass strip
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  • Release time:
    2021-09-22 17:31:17

C22000 Brass Strip has very good plasticity (the best among brass) and high strength, good machinability, easy welding, very stable to general corrosion, but easy to produce corrosion cracking. Brass strip is an alloy of copper and zinc, named for its yellow color. C22000 Brass Strip has good mechanical properties and abrasion resistance, and can be used to manufacture precision instruments, ship parts, gun shells, etc. Brass sounds good when knocked, so gongs, cymbals, bells, horns and other musical instruments are all made of brass. According to its chemical composition, brass is divided into two types: ordinary copper and special brass.

C22000 Brass Strip

(1) Ordinary brass is a binary alloy of copper and zinc. Due to its good plasticity, it is suitable for manufacturing plates, bars, wires, pipes and deep-drawn parts, such as condenser tubes, radiator tubes, and mechanical and electrical parts. Brass with an average copper content of 62% and 59% can also be cast and is called cast brass.

(2) Special brass In order to obtain higher strength, corrosion resistance and good casting performance, aluminum, silicon, manganese, lead, tin and other elements are added to the copper-zinc alloy to form special brass. Such as lead brass, tin brass, aluminum brass, silicon brass, manganese brass, etc.

C22000 Brass Strip China has excellent plasticity, high strength, good machinability, welding, corrosion resistance, heat exchangers, paper pipes, machinery and electronic parts.